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  • So I kept my head up, took long walks round town, and chewed the fat with my old friends -- Johnny Cake, Beatrice, or Lou Dell.

    Brother Ray Charles, Ray, 1930-2004. cn 1978

  • _Johnny Cake_ and _The Gingerbread Man_ also represent the second class of accumulative tale, but show a more definite plot; there is more story-stuff and a more decided introduction and conclusion.

    A Study of Fairy Tales Laura F. Kready

  • Kipling's _Elephant's Child_; and in the element of surprise so evident when Johnny Cake is eaten by the Fox, or when Little Hen eats the bread, or when Little Pig outwits the Wolf.

    A Study of Fairy Tales Laura F. Kready

  • Squeeze over them a little lemon juice, add a dash of freshly ground pepper, and serve with hot, old-fashioned, well-buttered Johnny Cake.

    The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home Mrs. F.L. Gillette

  • _Johnny Cake_ is a good tale to be played in the kindergarten because it uses a great number of children.

    A Study of Fairy Tales Laura F. Kready

  • It was a corn hoe or Johnny Cake or wheat flour biscuit, and the Johnny Cake made only with salt and water.

    Autobiography of John Ball - Across the Plains to Oregon, 1832 1925

  • Then he took her to see Johnny Cake, a cheerful old gentleman who lived near by.

    The Emerald City of Oz 1887

  • = -- These are prepared in the same way as Johnny Cake, except that the batter is made about as thin as buckwheat cakes, and baked upon

    Twenty-Five Cent Dinners for Families of Six Juliet Corson 1869

  • Sometimes as a change it was made into “Johnny Cake,” and then at others into mush.

    The Fugitive Blacksmith Pennington, James W C 1849

  • Locally, Johnny Cake, Frank Maynard and Michael Wilkinson (of UNC Finley GC, at 962-2349),

    unknown title 2009


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